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AI Generated SWOT & PESTEL Reports

By December 11, 2023No Comments

Account managers and CSMs often have large numbers of accounts, and keeping up to date on every important moment with all of them can become an impossible task. The average person takes about 60 minutes to produce a basic SWOT analysis report for a single organisation. If an account manager has a book of business with 50 -100 accounts, crafting a SWOT or PESTEL report for each account could take between 2-3 weeks of work. In order to reduce the amount of time and effort it takes for your team to produce those reports, we have developed a new tool within DeepInsight that will harness the power of Generative AI to extract the most important information and help produce those reports for you within 15 minutes. 


By curating a list of all of your accounts and feeding it into DeepInsight, we will find daily news from across the internet, read and digest all of this information and create a large data repository over time. Not only will this huge pool of knowledge be transferable if an employee switches job functions or leaves the company, but it will be there to help new employees learn about their accounts more effectively and efficiently. One of the ways to do this quickly is by producing a SWOT or PESTEL report through our new reporting tool. Within 15 minutes, you can see a quick snapshot of all the most important events and information that has been published about an organisation over the last quarter. We know that using Generative AI can be a bit worrying due to the chance of hallucinations, especially when you are relying on its output. However, all our reports include URL citation links, so you can investigate further and read the original source for more information.


Here is an example of a SWOT report about Airbus that we recently crafted using Generative AI. 

Airbus, PESTEL report, AI

If you would like to see more of this report, or would like to see a demo of the tool in action, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We would be more than happy to share with you what our powerful tool can do to help you save time and money.