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Sell more.

Research less.

We know sales teams have to juggle A LOT of tasks besides selling.

AMPLYFI helps you identify new opportunities faster, track every customer for important signals, and instantly generate prospect outreach with valuable insights – all without the hours of grunt work.


Get signals on sales opps faster than your competitors

Only get the market signals you want

Bid farewell to hundreds of annoying alerts. Configure your signals by topic, sector, geography and more - and tell Amplyfi which signals and sources to block.

Analyse more content to find key signals

AMPLYFI analyses 86% more articles from 22% more content sources online vs. alternatives, helping you to uncover more sales opportunities out there.

See the hidden signals that others haven’t

With AI-generated analysis on fuzzy topic and word matches, you’ll find hidden signals on new opportunities sooner - and get a real head start over your competition.


Create tailored prospect emails with valuable market insights – in one click

Cut out the time-consuming email personalisation and market research, and send more insights-packed outreach that grabs your prospects’ attention.

Simply view an interesting market signal - click a button - and auto-generate a bespoke email with stand-out insights that’s ready to go.

We just hope your inbox can cope with the extra replies.

Take a look at how AMPLYFI delivers more insights with less manual research.


Finish your daily customer research – before you finish your morning coffee

Stay on top of every account without feeling overwhelmed, and tick off your daily customer research in minutes.

Choose from 9.8m companies to monitor 24/7 in a single feed of AI-powered insights. Get the lowdown on personnel changes, upsell opportunities and company news – as soon as it’s published.

Now you’ll always see the mug half full.


Get accurate, on-the-spot answers to any question on your signals

Use our AI-powered Q&A tool to get extra insights from your market signals - in an instant.

Every answer is accurate with hyperlinked source evidence and zero hallucination, so you can feel confident in the analysis without doing manual research to back it up.

Learn how your team can automate sales intelligence and outreach